NetHack Class at MIT: Follow Along Virtually!
(too old to reply)
Rachel Elizabeth Dillon
2008-01-16 00:10:02 UTC
I'm teaching a (not-for-credit) NetHack class at MIT. Today's
topic is "Tactics and Strategy;" you can follow along on
termcast (telnet noway.ratry.ru 37331) and with audio and video
at starting at 8 PM EST, which
is 1 AM UTC, I think. You can read this week's lecture notes at
http://autumnfox.akrasiac.org/nethackclass/session2.html (and the obvious
thing will get you the previous week's notes). The stream is not up now
and won't be until a few minutes before class, but everything else should
be available if you want to look ahead.

Sorry about the short notice; I just got the audio/video streaming
actually working. There will be one for the next two Tuesdays at the same
time as well, and everything should be the same except the IP address;
I'll post that on that day assuming people are interested.

If you're in the Boston area and would like to stop by, drop me an email
and I'll see if I can smuggle you in.


(or not, I guess)

2008-01-16 19:33:26 UTC
Post by Rachel Elizabeth Dillon
This set of notes and the previous ones were both really interesting and
fun to read. Thanks for writing them.

Looking forward to the next installments.
2008-01-16 19:55:37 UTC
Post by Rachel Elizabeth Dillon
I'm teaching a (not-for-credit) NetHack class at MIT. Today's
topic is "Tactics and Strategy;" you can follow along on
termcast (telnet noway.ratry.ru 37331) and with audio and video
athttp:// at 8 PM EST, which
is 1 AM UTC, I think. You can read this week's lecture notes athttp://autumnfox.akrasiac.org/nethackclass/session2.html(and the obvious
thing will get you the previous week's notes). The stream is not up now
and won't be until a few minutes before class, but everything else should
be available if you want to look ahead.
Sorry about the short notice; I just got the audio/video streaming
actually working. There will be one for the next two Tuesdays at the same
time as well, and everything should be the same except the IP address;
I'll post that on that day assuming people are interested.
If you're in the Boston area and would like to stop by, drop me an email
and I'll see if I can smuggle you in.
(or not, I guess)
I was not able to listen for the whole class but I did tune in from
time to time. Nicely presented. By the way, how many students are
there and how long is the course, is it a full semester and how many
hours per week? That sounds like a lot of fun. To get credit does
the student need to ascend?
Please advise us next week of the class in case the IP changes.

Kurt M. Weber
2008-01-16 20:48:21 UTC
Post by Carl
To get credit does
the student need to ascend?
The OP explicitly said it was a non-credit class.
Kurt M. Weber
2008-01-17 00:41:41 UTC
Post by Kurt M. Weber
Post by Carl
To get credit does
the student need to ascend?
The OP explicitly said it was a non-credit class.
You're right, I was confusing non-credit with credit/no-credit or pass/
Rachel Elizabeth Dillon
2008-01-16 20:56:43 UTC
Post by Carl
Post by Rachel Elizabeth Dillon
I'm teaching a (not-for-credit) NetHack class at MIT. Today's
topic is "Tactics and Strategy;" you can follow along on
termcast (telnet noway.ratry.ru 37331) and with audio and video
athttp:// at 8 PM EST, which
is 1 AM UTC, I think. You can read this week's lecture notes athttp://autumnfox.akrasiac.org/nethackclass/session2.html(and the obvious
thing will get you the previous week's notes). The stream is not up now
and won't be until a few minutes before class, but everything else should
be available if you want to look ahead.
Sorry about the short notice; I just got the audio/video streaming
actually working. There will be one for the next two Tuesdays at the same
time as well, and everything should be the same except the IP address;
I'll post that on that day assuming people are interested.
If you're in the Boston area and would like to stop by, drop me an email
and I'll see if I can smuggle you in.
(or not, I guess)
I was not able to listen for the whole class but I did tune in from
time to time. Nicely presented. By the way, how many students are
there and how long is the course, is it a full semester and how many
hours per week? That sounds like a lot of fun. To get credit does
the student need to ascend?
Please advise us next week of the class in case the IP changes.
Thank you! There are around 10-15 people taking it; it's a not for credit
winter semester class sponsored by a student organization. It meets four
times, each Tuesday night in the winter semester (which is Jan 7-31).
It's not expected to get people all the way to ascension, and has a wide
range of skill in the attendees; the first couple of classes are more
introductory, and the last two are more advanced.

The next class should be about specific tips and tricks that you'll use
in various branches throughout the game; the final class will cover the
changing face of the NetHack world, discussing Interhack, trying to win
with bots, variants, and other roguelikes (by which I mostly mean Crawl).
I also have Shawn "Eidolos" Moore as a TA, which helps a lot.

Glad people are enjoying this! When it's all said and done I hope to
package up the video and ttyrecs and notes and make it accessible for
anyone who enjoys that sort of thing. The people actually attending seem
to be having fun, so. :)

2008-01-16 21:50:57 UTC
Post by Rachel Elizabeth Dillon
Glad people are enjoying this! When it's all said and done I hope to
package up the video and ttyrecs and notes and make it accessible for
anyone who enjoys that sort of thing. The people actually attending seem
to be having fun, so. :)
Please do - I listened in on part of the class and enjoyed it as well,
especially the part where Eidolos sent mail to the person whose game
you were watching at the time, to get your attention. :-D

- funcrunch
Ohle Claussen
2008-01-18 09:39:39 UTC
Post by funcrunch
Post by Rachel Elizabeth Dillon
Glad people are enjoying this! When it's all said and done I hope to
package up the video and ttyrecs and notes and make it accessible for
anyone who enjoys that sort of thing. The people actually attending seem
to be having fun, so. :)
Please do - I listened in on part of the class and enjoyed it as well,
especially the part where Eidolos sent mail to the person whose game
you were watching at the time, to get your attention. :-D
Heh - sounds like great fun. I couldn't arrange to watch the stream, but
enjoyed the notes so far. Please keep us informed, and I'd too very much like
to see the videos published. (I suppose there isn't a chance that someone here
captured the first installment and could seed a torrent or anything?)
Ohle Claussen | GPG-Key-ID E7149169
"Kosovians can move back in."
2008-01-17 21:01:09 UTC
Very impressive! I admire your bureaucratic jujitsu that you were
able to
teach your own course in this game.

Hmm... I wonder how we could pay homage to this? A special MIT level,


Brian P.
2008-01-18 06:46:43 UTC
Post by p***@hotmail.com
Hmm... I wonder how we could pay homage to this? A special MIT level,
The hungry student hits! The broke student hits! --More--
You're missing K-rations! Your purse feels lighter!
2008-01-23 04:37:41 UTC
Post by foosh
Post by p***@hotmail.com
Hmm... I wonder how we could pay homage to this? A special MIT level,
The hungry student hits! The broke student hits! --More--
You're missing K-rations! Your purse feels lighter!
You are in a maze of twisty little steam tunnels, all different.
Doug Freyburger
2008-01-23 17:11:30 UTC
Post by rpresser
You are in a maze of twisty little steam tunnels, all different.
USians old enough may remember the detective show "Mannix".
Many Mannix scenes were filmed in the Caltech steam tunnels.
Wandering around down there had a bizzarely familiar feel back
when I was a student.

Advent did not allow writing on the floor with fingers. Nethack
does. Not as easy to get lost in a maze. Well, that and the
whole thing of the screen showing a map ...
Martin Read
2008-01-23 18:49:08 UTC
Post by Doug Freyburger
Advent did not allow writing on the floor with fingers. Nethack
does. Not as easy to get lost in a maze. Well, that and the
whole thing of the screen showing a map ...
There are ways to deal with the on-screen map; consider Crawl's
\_\/_/ some girls wander by mistake into the mess that scalpels make
\ / are you the teachers of my heart? we teach old hearts to break
\/ --- Leonard Cohen, "Teachers"
Gary Olson
2008-01-19 02:15:56 UTC
Post by Rachel Elizabeth Dillon
I'm teaching a (not-for-credit) NetHack class at MIT. Today's
topic is "Tactics and Strategy;" you can follow along on
termcast (telnet noway.ratry.ru 37331) and with audio and video
at starting at 8 PM EST, which
is 1 AM UTC, I think. You can read this week's lecture notes at
http://autumnfox.akrasiac.org/nethackclass/session2.html (and the obvious
thing will get you the previous week's notes). The stream is not up now
and won't be until a few minutes before class, but everything else should
be available if you want to look ahead.
Sorry about the short notice; I just got the audio/video streaming
actually working. There will be one for the next two Tuesdays at the same
time as well, and everything should be the same except the IP address;
I'll post that on that day assuming people are interested.
If you're in the Boston area and would like to stop by, drop me an email
and I'll see if I can smuggle you in.
(or not, I guess)
Kill Vlad with a carrot? Interesting idea. Could one possibly wield a fortune cookie and make him
feel crumbly instead?
Rachel Elizabeth Dillon
2008-01-22 23:52:01 UTC
Tonight's class will be at and the notes
will be at http://autumnfox.akrasiac.org/nethackclass/session3.html ...
when they are done. :) Class starts at 8 PM EST, or 1 AM UTC!

Hope any of you interested get a chance to tune in! The topics are dungeon
branches, opening gambits, and endgame tricks --- and if you watch
on termcast (telnet noway.ratry.ry 37331) you will get to watch Shawn
"Eidolos" Moore and I race to see who can get to the Castle wand first.


(and yes, I just top-posted myself, because the important information
is up here)
Post by Rachel Elizabeth Dillon
I'm teaching a (not-for-credit) NetHack class at MIT. Today's
topic is "Tactics and Strategy;" you can follow along on
termcast (telnet noway.ratry.ru 37331) and with audio and video
at starting at 8 PM EST, which
is 1 AM UTC, I think. You can read this week's lecture notes at
http://autumnfox.akrasiac.org/nethackclass/session2.html (and the obvious
thing will get you the previous week's notes). The stream is not up now
and won't be until a few minutes before class, but everything else should
be available if you want to look ahead.
2008-01-23 03:00:08 UTC
Tonight's class will be athttp:// the notes
will be athttp://autumnfox.akrasiac.org/nethackclass/session3.html...
when they are done. :) Class starts at 8 PM EST, or 1 AM UTC!
Hope any of you interested get a chance to tune in! The topics are dungeon
branches, opening gambits, and endgame tricks --- and if you watch
on termcast (telnet noway.ratry.ry 37331) you will get to watch Shawn
"Eidolos" Moore and I race to see who can get to the Castle wand first.
I think there's a typo in your telnet address; the .ry should be .ru.

- funcrunch (just now tuning in)